Solving Polynomial Equations (11)

Aim: To explore the rows and columns in the coefficient array generated by the solutions to the general cubic.

Method. Explore OIES resources, and Robert Dickau's page on Catalan Numbers and Fuss-Catalan Numbers

Observe: the generating function of the coefficients in the general solution to the cubic equation

$$C(m_2, m_3) \equiv \frac{(2 m_{2} + 3 m_{3})!}{(1 + m_{2} + 2 m_{3})!m_2!m_3!}$$

Let $F1$ be a function that implements $C$ and returns a solution to a general cubic equation.

Let $P3$ be an array of coefficients generated by $F1$.

Observe: Some facts are known about these numbers. The first column is the Catalan Numbers, the first row is the Fuss-Catalan numbers.

Ref: Good reference for this Richard Stanley Enumerative Combinatorics (2 Volumes).

Ref: Found on Robert Dickau's webpage, which shows the relatiship to the Catalan and Fuss Catalan numbers as different approaches subdivide n-gons into smaller n-gons

Observe: Recall that important OEIS references are A00108, A001764 which both note Euler like interpretations of divisions of polygons.

Observe: From Robert Dickau's, as Catalan -> Fuss Catalan -> etc.:

Aim Explore the above generating functions and relationship between them.

Observe: The Catalan binomial function written as a factorial where $ \binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n - k)!}$

$$ \frac{\binom{2n}{n}}{(n + 1)} \equiv \frac {\frac{2n!}{n!(2n - n)!}}{n + 1} \equiv \frac {\frac{2n!}{n!^2}}{n + 1} \equiv \frac{\left(2 n\right)!}{\left(n + 1\right) n!^{2}} $$

Observe: the relationship between binomials and fatorials.

Conclusion: More work is needed here (related to Donald Knuth combinatorics work in Concrete Mathematics).

Todo: Examine different patterns that appear in the generating functions