Solving Polynomial Equations (20)

Aim: Understand the bridge betwen polygon subdivisions and polynomial equations

Observe consider the operation $\bar{\triangledown}$ and its use as an operation between multisets of polygonal subdivisions

Observe It is possible to use this operation to operate on multisets:

$$ [\text{all polygons that can be divided into triangles}] \bar{\triangledown} [\text{all polygons that can be divided into triangles}] $$

Observe: It is to find these combinations, it is possible to use concatenation of trees and come at this from a computational perspective.

Let $F1$ be a function to calculate all combinations of rooted planar binary trees

Let $F2$ be a function to multiply rooted binary trees.

Observe: The nature of this multiplication on multisets yields all combinations of multiples.

Observe: Because of the way the $\bar{\triangledown}$ operator works, if $A$ is the sum of all polygonal triangle subdivisions it will be the case that $ A = | + A \bar{\triangledown} A $

Observe: Recall the relationship between the number of leaves in a rooted planar binary tree and the number of polygon sizes.

Number of leaves Number of ways to arrange leaves in a rooted binary tree Number of Polygon sides
3 2 4
4 5 5
5 14 6
6 42 7
7 132 8

Observe: Carrying out the multiplication fo $A$ with $A$ will result in:

$$ A = | + A \bar{\triangledown} A $$

Observe: It is simpler to move back to a more usual algebra, in order to map back to polynomials

$$\Phi : \text{Rooted subdivided polygons} \rightarrow \text{Polynomials in } t$$

Observe: This can be done as the following:

$$ \Phi (P) = t^n $$

where $n$ is the number of triangles in the subdivision $P$

Example: If $P, Q$ are both subdivided polygons (into triangles) then:

$$ \Phi(P \bar{\triangledown} Q) $$

Observe that $P$ and $Q$ will have the same number of triangles, however there will anoter $|$ that arises

Observe This can be written as:

$$ \Phi(P \bar{\triangledown} Q) = t \Phi (P) \Phi(Q) $$

Observe Possible to apply this homeomorphism to the fundamental equation of the multiset of subdivided polygons:

$$ A = | + A \bar{\triangledown} A $$

$$\Phi (A) = [\Phi(P): P \in A] $$