Solving Polynomial Equations (22)

Aim: Explore bridge between BiTri numbers and polygonal subdivisions

Methodology: Consider the structure of the first row of numbers in the matrix of coefficients returned by the function $C$

Observe: Recall the solution to a general cubic equation from a previous notebook.

$$C(m, n) \equiv \frac{(2m + 3n)!}{(1 + m + 2n)!m!n!}$$

Let $F1$ for a function that implements $C$.

Let $P3$ be a matrix of values relating the part of the formula that calculates unsigned coefficients: $ \frac{(2m + 3n)!}{(1 + m + 2n)!m!n!}$

Observe: It is not a given that the solutions to cubic equation should be related to BiTri numbers and more investigation is needed.

Definition: A BiTri Roofed Polygon consists of a polygon subdivided diagonally into traingles, with a distinguised (top) edge.

Conjecture: The numbers $C(n, m)$ give us a power series solution to a general cubic equation, and they count the number of BiTri polygons with $m$ triangles and $n$ quadrilaterals, with $1 + m + 2n$ vertices

Let $F2$ be a function that returns the number of vertices for polygons in $P3$.

Let $P6$ be an $8 \times 8$ array of the number or vertices in $P3$

Observe: The above matrices show that there are, for example, 10010 ways to subdivide roofed 11-gons into 3 triangles and 3 quadrilaterals.

Observe: The above conjecture proposes a way to to unify a fundamental problem of algebra with large scale extension of Catalan and Fuss numbers.

Observe: To investigate further it will be required to extend the binary and ternary operations seen in previous notebooks to BiTri roofed polygons.

Observe: Recall that $ \overline{\triangledown} \text{ }(P, Q) = P \text{ } \overline{\triangledown} \text{ } Q $ is a binary operation that appends $P$ and $Q$ to left and right sides of a roofed central triangle, where $P$ and $Q$ are BiTri rooted polygons.

Observe: It is possible to extend the operation, $\overline { \triangledown }$ to BiTri rooted polygons.

Observe: To make this extension a symbol$ \overline{\square}$ can be used.

Observe: The symbol can be used in the context of the operation $ \overline{\square} \text{ }(P, Q, R) $ relating to BiTri roofed polygons, where 3 polygons can be be glued on to central quadrilateral.

Observe: The BiTri roofted polygons are then closed under the two operations, $\overline{\triangledown}$ and $\overline{\square}$.

Todo: Create functions for both of these operations, notign that vertical is showing how many triangles, and horizontal is showing how many quadrilaterals.

Observe: These polygons can be viewed in a multset array and it is possible to do consistent arithmetic with them.

Reference: The approach is related to Q22 of Ch. 7 in Concrete Mathematics (Knuth et al) which considers multiset operations of the BiTri roof polygons.

Aim: Demonstrate an identity of multisets

Let $A$ be the entire Mset of BiTri rootfted polygons. It follows that:

$$A = | + \overline{\triangledown}(A, A) + \overline{\square}\text{ }(A, A, A)$$

Observe: This is a fundamental identity of multisets.

Observe: Both operations can be used to compute all numbers in this array.

Observe: It is possible to link the abstract algebra of MSets to polynomials. To make this link, the symbol $\psi$ can be used to count the number of triangles, and the symbol $q$ can be used to count the number of quadrilaterals.

Observe: The $\psi$ mapping from BiTri roofed polygons can be extended to polynomials in $t$ and $q$:

$$ \psi(P) \equiv t^m q^n $$

where$P$ has $m$ triangles and $n$ quadrilaterals


$$ \psi \text{ (some polygon with 2 triangles and 2 quadrilaterals)} = t^2 q^2 $$

Observe: This will lead to the following properties (and note the extra $t$ and extra $q$ that arises here).

$$ \psi(\overline{\triangledown}(P, Q) = t \psi (P) \psi(Q) $$
$$\psi(\overline{\square} \text{ }(P, Q, R) = q \psi(P) \psi(Q) \psi(R) $$

Observe: If $\psi(A) \equiv F$ where $F$ is an MSet, and noting that $A = | + \overline{\triangledown}(A, A) + \overline{\square}\text{ }(A, A, A)$, the $\psi$ operation will replace each polygon in the array with powers of $t$ and $q$ where those powers represent the number of triangles and quadrilaterals.

Example: The number $28$ in the above array becomes $tq^2$ under this $\psi$ mapping.

Observe: the operation $F = 1 + tF^2 + qF^3 $ capures all the operations plus addtional triangle.

Observe The expression above cubic equation in $F$. Note this is close to a general cubic equation, and helps to explain why there is a relationship between solutions to cubic equations and the BiTri roofed polygons.


Aim: Check to see if the BiTri Array satisfies the above identities.

Let $t$ and $q$ be unknown types

Let $P10$ and $P11$ be matrices.

Let $P12$ be the matrix multiplication of $P10 \times P9 \times P11$.

Let $P12$ be the identity $$F = 1 + tF^2 + qF^3 $$

Let $P13$ be a verification that this holds up to degree 5

Observe: $P14 \equiv P12$, verifying that, up do degree 5, these numbers are counting BiTri Roofed polygons, which confirms the conjecture.