Solving Polynomial Equations (23)

Signs and a general solution to polynomial equations

Ref: Polygonal Dissections and Reversions of Series, Alison Schuetz, Gwyneth Whieldon

Observe This paper also examines Lagrange's inversion formula for series

ObserveRecall the conjecture in a previous notebook regarding solutions to a general cubic, $ c_0 + c_1x + c_2x^2 + c_3x^3 $, which can also be regarded as a general formula for the number of subdivisions of a roofed polygon into polygons.

Let $c_0, c_1, c_2, \ldots$ be unknown types

Let $P1$ be an a solution to a general cubic to a limited number of terms.

Observe: All terms of $P1$ have a power of $c_1$ in the denominator, and powers of $c_0, c_2$ and $c_3$ in the numerator.

Observe: The sign of each term in $P1$ appears to depend on the parity of the power of $c_3$ (where even parity denotes a negative signs).

Observe: The terms of $P1$ are balanced, having total degree 0. This suggests that the solution should not depend on a uniform rescaling of all the coefficients.

Observe: All terms in $P1$ have a total index degree of -1 and each term has the form:

$$ C(m, m_3)\equiv(-1)^{n + 1} \frac{(2m + 3 n)!}{(1 + m + 2 n)!m!n!} \frac{c_0^{1 + m + 2n} c_2^{m} c_3^{n} }{c_1^{2 m + 3 n + 1}} $$

Observe: There appears to be a relationship between the power of $c_3$ and the parity that appears in each term.

Observe: Recall that when multisets of BiTri subdivisions were considered, a generating frunction was found for $F$ which has the form:

$$ F = 1 + tF^2 + qF^3 \text{ or } 0 = 1 - F + tF^2 + qF^3 $$

Observe: Consider that $0 = 1 - F + tF^2 + qF^3$ is similar to the general cubic, $ c_0 + c_1x + c_2x^2 + c_3x^3 $, except for the appearance of the negative sign.

Observe: The relationship between the sign of each term appears to depends on $n$. Note that $n$ appears as not only as a power of $c_3$, but also in the context of $2n$ with $c_0$. In this latter context, as $2n$ will always produce an even value, it will not contribute to the determination of parity.

Observe: The value of $3n$ acts the same way as $n$ does when it determines parity, and this suggests that parity may not depends on $c_3$ as previously assumed, and that there may be a more fundamental version of the general cubic.

Observe: This suggests that it is not the pwer of $c_3$ that determines the sign of each term, but rather the power of $c_1$, given by the multiset formula from a BiTri rootfied polygon.

Observe: If $c_1$ is replaced with $-c_1$ in the general cubic equation, the sign dissapears from the formula

Observe: This leads to the following (updated) theorem.


A solution to $c_0 - c_1x + c_2x^2 + c_3x^3 = 0$ is given by

$$x = \Sigma_{m = 0}^+ \Sigma_{n = 0}^+ \frac{(2m + 3 n)!}{(1 + m + 2 n)!m!n!} \frac{c_0^{1 + m + 2n} c_2^{m} c_3^{n} }{c_1^{2 m + 3 n + 1}} $$

Observe: This suggests that $c_3$ is not the critical variable for determining parity.

Observe: This simplification of the formula suggests that the formula could be generalised to higher degrees as all degrees will contain $c_1$

Observe: A general formula for a quadratic may be given by:

A solution to $c_0 - c_1x + c_2x^2 + c_3x^3 + c_4x^4 = 0$ is given by

$$x = \Sigma_{m = 0}^+ \Sigma_{n = 0}^+ \Sigma_{p = 0}^+ \frac{(2m + 3n + 4p)!}{(1 + m + 2n + 3p)!m!n!p!} \frac{c_0^{1 + m + 2n + 3p} c_2^{m} c_3^{n} c_4^{p} }{c_1^{4p + 2m + 3n + 1}} $$

Observe: This could be generalised to a quintic and higher degrees.