Solving Polynomial Equations (5)

Create needed variables.

Let g1 through g5 be objects created in Solving Polynomial Equations (4).


Goal: continue to find pattern in these numbers and create a formula that accounts for the numbers.

Recall that the index degree of a term $c_1^m c_2^m c_3^m $ be the sum of the products of the indices and the degrees of each of the consituent variables and the claim is that this is constant in each of the values. It appears then that the index degree is always twice the usual degree (when indices are ignored

Subsitute $c_0$ for t into the original solution for x.

Expand g6.

Collect in terms of $c_3$

Recall the Catalan function that prints out components to consider the relationship of components to indices.

There appears to be a similiar pattern.

Conjecture 1

  1. The value of the each co-efficient of the terms is obtained as a formula which is a quotient of a product of factorials.
  2. The Numerator of this formula is $n!$ where $n$ is one less that the power of $c_1$ in the denominator of each of the terms.
  3. The Denominator of this formula is $r! s! t!$ where $r! s!$ and $t!$ are the powers of $c_0, c_2$ and $c_3$ in the numerator of the terms.


$$\frac{180 c_{0}^{7} c_{2}^{2} c_{3}^{2}}{c_{1}^{11}} \equiv \frac{10!}{2!2!7!} $$

Note terms of polynomial in $x, c_1, c_0, c_2$ and $c_3$

Create function to implement conjecture function and verify that the coefficients can be obtained via the above conjecture:


This conjecture holds for these solutions. Given a general cubic polynomial, $c_0 + c_1x + c_2x^2 + c_3x^3 = 0$, it posssible get solve for x in terms of the given $c_0, c_1, c2$ and $c_3$