Solving Polynomial Equations (8)

Create needed variables


Recall from Solving Polynomials (7), the function $C$ that is equivalent using only $m_2$ and $m_3$.

$$C(m_2, m_3) \equiv(-1)^{m_3 + 1} \frac{(2 m_{2} + 3 m_{3})!}{(1 + m_{2} + 2 m_{3})!m_2!m_3!} \frac{c_0^{1 + m_{2} + 2 m_{3}} c_2^{m_2} c_3^{m_3} }{c_1^{2 m_{2} + 3 m_{3} + 1}}$$

Recall the formula to get values of this this function.

Let g8 be a matrix of values.

Recall also that this value can be recovered as a sum and it is also one solution for a general cubic equation. Does it actually work in practice?

Let g4 be the equation where x is set to the sum of these values.

Evaluate a cubic equation using a general

Let g6 be the solutions for z in g5.

Let g7 be the solutions using the derived formula, $C$.

Note the answers are similiar.

Check another example

Let g12 be an answer obtained from the formula $C$

Note they are again similiar